Escape to the comfiest place in your house with a rad book and a glass of scotch.

By joining BOOZE N BOOKS, you get just that.
Every month we will discuss the book of the month while sipping on the booze of choice.
I will provide my review in a VODcast at the end of it. Monthly prizes will also be awarded to the most engaged friends.
What you need to know/do?
BUY THIS BOOK NOW!: Dead Poets Society
- then start reading
BUY THIS BOOZE NOW!: McClelland's Speyside
- then start drinking (well, wait until 11am at least)
GET INVOLVED: comment with your progress/observations/random thoughts in the comment section below.
- the best comment will earn themselves the "BnB Fan of the Month" and a gift card.
TIMELINE: You have the month of September to finish the book (you don't have to finish the booze, although depending on the month, it might be recommended).
That's it!
Well, Tyler, that sounds easy and fun. It is random voice... it's a low-risk, high-reward club to join.
I will be updating in the thread below as well with my own comments. Then at the end of the month, I will have multiple drinks and give my review of this book. To keep fully up-to-date on all the fun, you have to sign up to my newsletter (signup on the main page my site - HERE).
Let's kick this thing off gang!
Ty "Book Club Dude" Cameron
IG: @tylertypes
FB: Tyler Cameron
Twitter: @tylertyping

I'm almost done DPS. What a gem of a book.
Also, F Dean Nolan... guy seems like a loser. Where's everyone else at? ...Bueller? Bueller.... Bueller.
I'm killing it over here and have made it to chapter 8 of Dead Poets Society.
That Robin Williams is quite a character.
Unfortunately, I have not gotten into my scotch yet. I'm thinking tomorrow will be the night.
Where is everyone else at?
@ajoy - that is a crazy coincidence. Happy to have you on board for the first ever BOOZE N BOOKS read.
Wow...I literally just bought this book yesterday to read it...I guess it's a sign I have to join.
I will be live blogging on my progress, thoughts on the book/scotch and random thoughts. Join in... prizes will be awarded!