BOOZE N BOOKS continues this month with an amazing read, Scar Tissue.
It's an autobiography by Anthony Kiedis, the lead signing of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
It is fantastic.

Along with this glorious read, you will be able to indulge in the Rock Star lifestyle by letting Jack Daniel's get you in the right mental state.

In case you missed it, here is the September review, as well as the announcement of Scar Tissue/JD.
Watch both videos to see what you're in store for: PART 1
What you need to know/do?
BUY THIS BOOK NOW!: Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis
BUY THIS BOOZE NOW!: Jack Daniel's
GET INVOLVED: comment with your progress/observations/random thoughts in the LIVE: October BOOZE N BOOKS thread below.
TIMELINE: October 1st - 31st (<- ooooo spooky)
Also, remember to join my newsletter for advice, secrets and free things.
Go Books!
Ty "Book Club Dude" Cameron
YouTube: Tyler Cameron
IG: @tylertypes
FB: Tyler Cameron
Twitter: @tylertyping
Crunch time! Only 2 days left to finish up Scar Tissue. I think I'll get it done, but need to buckle down. This story is so insane and has been amazing to re-read. It's even better than I remember. All I can say is... heroin is one hell of a drug!
This is a LOOOONG book. It's amazing but I'm definitely behind in my reading with only a week left in this month.
Where you all at?
Now that the turkey is wearing off... GET BACK TO YOUR READING.
I'm about 100 pages in to Scar Tissue so far. It's even better than I remember.
Where are you guys at?