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Writer's pictureTyler Cameron

LIVE: Booze N Books - January Edition

Happy New Year gang! I hope you enjoyed your Locker Room Lager while reading Shoe Dog. That was our December drank/read.

As Karen and Kiel mentioned below, it was a busy month with Santa eating up all of your reading time. Fat bastard!

I loved Shoe Dog and will have a recap video with my thoughts, as well as announcing the winner our monthly winner of our Locker Room Lager gift pack. If you want to be included, COMMENT in the thread below.

Anyway, keep reading and then jump into our next book The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I've been a big fan of Ferriss for a while reading his blog and listening to his podcast, but actually have never read this book.

I thought it was a perfect selection as everyone has the highest of ambitions with a new year staring, challenging them to make moves. I'm positive The 4-Hour Workweek will motivate you to kick the year off right. Maybe you'll finally act on a side project or entrepreneurial adventure you've been putting off for far too long.

If it's writing a book that has you up at night, please reach out to me directly and I'm happy to help guide you. All my information is below. The best would be email (

If you are motivated enough by Tim and his methods on escaping your mundane day-to-day grind, you'll be on an island soon enough (that you own own course) with a mojito in hand. This was the obvious reason for mixing it up and selecting a classic, homemade mojito for the "booze of the month."

How do you make a mojito some people ask?

There ya go. You might even have all of the ingredients at home.

As for The 4-Hour Workweek - you can find it HERE on Amazon.

Get reading and get motivated. My goal this year is to add to this club and have people reach out to me to say "Tyler, I'm so happy I'm not just crushing Netflix every night, all night. I'm reading a book a month and feel connected with your amazing community of other like-minded people who also like books and booze."

... or something like that.

K, Go Books!

Ty "Book Club Dude" Cameron

YouTube: Tyler Cameron

Twitter: @tylertyping

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Jan 25, 2019

I’m in! I would have never picked that book on my own but I’m so glad I read it. Looking forward to the next selections. And I’ve never tried a mojito before either so I’m going to give that a whirl too. Thanks Karen and Tyler.


Jan 22, 2019

So I finished Shoe Dog a week or so ago and loved it (of course). I passed on the book to a coworker who loved it even more than me. I’m hoping we’ve convinced Suzy to join the Booze and Books Club!

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