Hey team - what's your jam? eBook, Paperback or Hardcover? I have them all available on Amazon - HERE.

I've been super overwhelmed (in a good way) by the support of all my friends and family to date.
Look! I'm so hot right now:

Writing and publishing a book was not easy, but so rewarding. I've actually had a lot of people reach out and ask me how I accomplished this and I will have an upcoming series, which will include a real-time look at how I'm going to plan and write my next book, "A Dude's Guide to Surviving Kids" which I think you will find very helpful/interesting.
Keep an eye out for it.
In the meantime, if you haven't checked out my book/recommended my book to a friend by now... SHAME ON YOU.
Enjoy the Ride,
Tyler "The Wedding Dude" Cameron